Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  

About The Publishers: Josh and Amy Rose Stoner

Hey there!!! 

We are Josh and Amy Rose and we are so excited you have come across our website! Just a little bit about us: we have been married for almost 11 years and we have three fun loving kiddos. We have a really cool and kind 10 year old daughter and two super awesome 7 y.o twin boys (who are completely opposite personalities)-they love to explore and will find all reasons to have fun and celebrate. 

If your family is anything like ours, we are always on the lookout for something fun to do or try! Even though we like to venture and travel outside of our home town whenever we get the chance, we also love coming back home and enjoying all that our local community has to offer. This is where this website comes in handy: you will find a wealth of great information for parents and families. We have a calendar full of happenings in and around the area, fun and informative blogs/articles, a directory of local businesses and resources and so much more. 

Together, we have years of experience in education and entrepreneurship. We particularly love topics of culture, community, sustainability, parenting, food, and finances.  We can’t wait to share all the new experiences and incredible opportunities and deals (I mean who doesn’t love a good deal?) for family fun in our local/surrounding community through Macaroni Kid. 

This resource is for YOU and we would love your help in making it the best it can be. Some ways you can help is by sharing Mac Kid with your friends, family and neighbors. Help us spread the word and if you ever have any questions or would like to submit an event or partner with us, please feel free to connect with us. We’d love to hear from you!! Our email is

Thank you for your support!